Biofield Tuning Perth is a powerful sound healing technique that assess where the body’s energies are blocked, trapped, or not in harmony and then corrects the flow of these energies in your body’s electromagnetic field, helping you to release stress, sleep better, and restore your body to wellness and harmony.

Have you ever walked into a room and got a bad feeling from it? Or met someone and felt there was something not quite right about that person? Even before they spoke? Or felt strangely comforted in a stranger’s presence?

You are not alone.

All of us have picked up vibes in one way or another. Either from certain places or people which attract us or keep us away. And probably for good reasons too.

First, let’s refresh our knowledge of how the natural world works.

Dolphins, Whales, Bats, Birds all depend on a sensory ability to identify their environment, ‘see’ in the dark or navigate to warmer climes. You would already know that this has something to do with the Earth’s gravitational pull. More specifically it’s the magnetic field that many animals can sense and utilize. Interestingly, it seems that humans possess that sensory ability. In fact, recent studies suggest we might be more attuned to this unconscious ability than previously thought.  

The Amazing, Life-supporting Electromagnetic Field

It has been well proven that animals, fish, and even certain bacteria use the earth’s magnetic field to preserve survival. This field is a result of the movement of liquid iron in the earth’s core. The electric current generated from this churning movement produces that magnetic field.

Essentially, anything with an electric charge produces an electromagnetic field that exists in Plasma. The fourth state of matter. It is an electrically charged state as opposed to other states of matter: solid, liquid, gas.

An example of Plasma would be the manifestations of the Northern and Southern lights (Aurora Borealis and Aurora Australis)

The sun’s charged particles blown by solar gusts hit the earth’s magnetic field (plasma) causing the atoms in the field to illuminate into a beautiful light show. Fans of Plasma TVs, which use electrically charged gas to illuminate screens for sharper vision, might appreciate that they, too, generate their own human plasma fields!

This magnetic field is crucial for sustaining life on earth. It protects the planet from high amounts of UV radiation (magnetosphere), it underpins navigation and it might have influenced the evolution of life on earth.

Living beings have also been found to emit their own electromagnetic field.

All living beings have a network of internal electrical activity that keeps order, structure and function to facilitate life.

Your body is a hive of electrical activity under the direction of your Central Nervous System.

There are more than 50 trillion cells carrying out thousands of life-giving processes every second.

This complex level of functioning can only be made possible through a vast amount of sophisticated communication within and between each cell.

This sophistication is the transfer of electrical information impulses. 

You see, your cells are essentially batteries. Each has a voltage of 1.4hz.

This means the human body has a staggering 70 hundred trillion volts of internal energy at any one time. And this generates an electromagnetic field or Biofield which surrounds the body and interacts with every other life’s biofields.

The term Biofield was coined by a panel of Natural Institutes of Health scientists in 1994 to describe this electromagnetic aspect of the body.

The human body is electric. Your bones, made of crystalline structures, create electricity when compressed. Your heart and blood carry a charge. The fascia that covers every muscle transfers electrical impulses. The antennas on cell membranes which constantly sense and read light and sound vibrations send electrical messages to the brain. 

All are composites of this voltage. Collagen tissues that make up your largest organ - your skin - are semiconductors for this electrical flow. 

Electric Health. Does It Matter?

When you are healthy and strong, you have sufficient electrical charge flowing across your cell membranes allowing your Central Nervous system to function at capacity. 

Your body is in a state of harmony. It takes care of itself.

Eileen Day Mckusick, MA  calls this a state of Electric Health. 

A pioneer in the areas of the human biofield and a practitioner of therapeutic sound and electric health, Eileen spent half her life determining the impact sound has on health.

Her groundbreaking research and 23 years working in the field led her to discover the body’s electrical system in its entirety including the biofield

“Your body has a magnetic field around it; the-biofield. Magnetic fields guide and inform electric currents.” Eileen Day Mckusik

Biofield Tuning For Electric Health

Using a tone-generating tuning fork based on the earth’s natural pulsating hertz, Eileen applied similar principles of piano tuning on her clients to map out areas of their biofields.

Through this sonar bouncing and listening, she found biofields tend to store soundwaves relating to specific emotions, memories, trauma, and pain in different areas of the sphere.

These were also observed to be indicated in chronological order. From gestation to birth to present age.

These biofields had a clearly defined anatomy and physiology.

When a person goes through emotional or physical trauma, the electric charge and flow in the body ebbs. 

And when the associated emotion is not allowed to be expressed or released the body often physically manifests this as a disease or chronic pain.

The ebb in electric charge firing the Central Nervous System alters the physiology of the biofield with a dissonant soundwave, trapped energy. 

But Eileen Mckusik also made another surprising discovery; it was possible to clear these dissonance or trapped energy in the biofield with a specialized tuning fork. 

Eilleen called this practice Biofield Tuning.

The tuning fork’s specific vibration was able to help the body retune and adjust the electric currents guiding the body into a state of harmony. Electric Health.

Every emotion felt generates a molecule that circulates in your body. Candance Pert states that as these molecules circulate in your body, they are destined to be expressed.

Dr. Pert, an internationally recognized neurologist and pharmacologist, made history when she discovered the opiate receptor a decade ago.

These emotion molecules rise like a waveform and crest into your awareness. They find expression in some way and then fall away.  

When you feel sad... that’s a particular feeling in your body. It’s a waveform or an emerging pattern in your body specific to that feeling.

Therefore your body is in a constant state of motion. You generate different kinds of waves as you go through everyday life.

These propagating waves move through the biofield.

So, when you get vibes off other people it’s because their bodies are producing certain wave patterns. 

You unconsciously process them as you move through and interact with other biofields. That helps you decide to stay around or run for the hills.

Eileen maintains that the ability to sense magnetic fields is therefore not intuition but a biological reality of the body. 

Keeping the biofield healthy could be the next frontier in integrating mainstream and complementary medicine.

How Does Biofield Tuning Benefit You?

In Biofield tuning, we retune your body to wellness. To Electric Health.

Biofield Tuning works to clear away the dissonance and trapped energy in your body’s electromagnetic field. When you do this you feel less stressed and happy!

The effective, hertz-specific tuning forks invented by Eileen McKusick are used to locate and clear the noise or distortions in your Biofield maintaining the optimal voltage of your electric flow- your electric health.

Painful memories from emotional or physical trauma drain you of energy and disrupt the electrical flow in your body that supports your Central Nervous System.

Resulting in a stressed mind and anxiety-burdened lifestyle.

It can also take a toll on your physical body creating discomfort and debilitating pain. 

These low-energy voltages are radiated into your Biofield as trapped energy, noise or energetic blockages.

By clearing and tuning your Biofield, flow is restored bringing back balance. This can sometimes result in significant relief from chronic pain and anxiety.

Some of the other benefits Soulavita clients experience include

  • Deep relaxation

  • Better sleep

  • Deep healing

  • Increased creativity and Clarity

  • Increased energy

  • Renewed sense of purpose 

  • Manifesting their goals and desires to reality

Biofield Tuning has been known to alleviate

  • Acute and Chronic Pain

  • Fear

  • Anxiety

  • Depression

  • Adrenal Fatigue

  • Grief

  • Stress levels

  • Cholesterol

  • Migraine & headaches

  • Digestive issues

  • Fibromyalgia

 Our lives are a continuous flow of this electric charge that runs our central nervous system.

Disruptions result in low voltage = low energy. 

Apart from trauma, voltage is also depleted when your energy is spread thinly over too many commitments, when you suppress your emotions instead of expressing them, or say yes when you really mean no.

“One way to raise your voltage and increase your energy is to speak the truth,” recommends Elieen Mckusick, who also authored Electric Body, Electric Health. 

That includes cutting out white lies, she stresses.

By not being authentic, she says, you risk holding on to negative emotion molecules that affect your body physically and energetically. 

The truth really does set you free.

Another way to boost your health, experience deep healing and increase flow is to open, clear, and balance your energy centres to release stuck energy with a certified Biofield Tuning practitioner.

If you are ready to enhance your life with more energy and vibrancy, contact me today to begin your wellness journey! 

Contact Estelle Amelia, Certified International Sound Practitioner and Australia’s Leading Biofield Tuner.


