Have you noticed how some commercial premises never seem to hold a tenant for too long?

This week it’s a salon that closes down.

Before that, it was a café which shut its doors.

And the following tenant didn’t stick around for too long either.

Ever wondered why certain houses tend to only have transient occupants? And usually with a trail of misfortunes behind them - fractured relations, physical injuries, or even untimely deaths?

Sure… you can blame it on the market,  location or even customer service at the business.

Or perhaps clashing personalities of the home occupants and questionable workmanship of that house.

However, Professional Space Clearers believe that trapped or blocked energy is the more likely underlying cause. This can accumulate to a point where positive energy is suppressed as negativity overpowers the space.

Bad Vibes To Great Vibes

Before I started my journey in Sound Healing, my husband and I were property developers.

At one stage, we had 12 units up for sale. All sold except for one.

It didn’t matter what we did to promote it. Our real estate agent tried everything to sell that unit. Nothing seemed to work.

Eager for a change in circumstance, I decided to apply my fundamental skills of space clearing in that unit. Two weeks later the keys were happily handed over to the new owner! 

There are countless accounts of similar positive outcomes from people who performed or hired professionals to perform a space clearing.

A professional clearing is devoted to a specific outcome for the client. It can take several hours and is a more thorough, in-depth clearing with extensive results.

In both instances, space clearing made a definite difference in their situations.

Homes and Business premises that had once been a place of doom and gloomy prospects inexplicably transformed to vibrancy and abundance. Without a need to relocate or make any structural changes.

Owners reported their spaces felt lighter and the energy “…  wonderful and clear..” as my Space Clearing client Melissa Thompson, Perth WA describes it. She believes the shift was also felt by her usually skittish cat, which is now calmer and more affectionate.

Space clearing is essentially an energy cleansing of a space.

Science has shown that we are all made of energy. And energy is in everything.  All matter holds energy.

Thoughts and feelings are also energy and affect everything and anyone around us. It is absorbed into the physical walls, furniture and other objects in that space. This accumulated negative energy can obstruct peaceful sleep, incite fear and anxiety and even bring on depression-related behaviors. 

Clearing a space of lingering dense energy from illness, arguments, depression, violence, death safeguards your wellness and ultimately increases your quality of life.

Why You Need Space Clearing In Your Home

  • to reclaim balance in your life

  • to restore harmony and connection in your home

  • to strengthen family relationships so you can achieve your goals together

  • to stimulate positive energies in different parts of your home to support and nurture the users of that space – master bedroom, teenager’s room, entertaining area

In Your Office or Business

  • to boost clarity in business interests and direction

  •  to create a supportive environment for staff to interact and contribute

  • to increase energy and focus in staff

  • to create a welcoming and open environment which retain clients and attract new ones

Businesses incorporating space clearing as employee wellness initiative have noticed a distinct association between employees’ improved well-being and expansion of sales and profits.

We can’t control who entered or enters our spaces and the energy imprints they leave behind. However, we can choose to protect ourselves by removing any stagnant and sapping energy.  We can choose to infuse our space with the desired energy to make it a sacred home or workspace.

Just so you know….Feng Shui and Space Clearing are not the same thing.

While Feng Shui maximises beneficial energy flow through certain specifics in building design, colour schemes or placement of objects, Space Clearing removes and revitalizes stagnant energy. Space Clearers are often called in to assist in boosting professional Feng Shui sessions where a situational improvement is hindered or not experienced yet.

Space clearing is a powerful and effective way to restore health, harmony and vibrancy in your home, business or other environments.

The results are very often immediate. It removes negative, disruptive and intrusive energies lingering in your space and affecting you without your awareness.  Just as you need to physically clean your space, you also need to clear your space of negative energy or vibration.

How Do You Know If Your Space Has Bad Vibes from Blocked Energy?

Some signs of blocked energy in your home and workspace include

  •  inability to focus or complete home and work tasks

  • unmotivated and uninspired leadership

  • feelings of confusion and overwhelm

  • feeling tense or unable to relax in your space

  • feelings of depression

  • unexplained sadness or fear

  • constant fatigue

  • recurring nightmares

  •  insomnia or struggling to sleep

  •  anxious and restless, 

  •  constant arguments

Ideally you should space clear once a month to keep the energy in your space fresh and vitalised. 

Estelle Amelia, Soulavita

3 Instant Ways to Lift the Vibe In Your Home And Workspace

These 3 ways to improve energy quality will bring about a level of peace and calm in your space. These easy space clearing methods can boost your clarity and creativity and create significant changes in your life.  

However, for a more extensive clearing of stagnant & dense energy,professional space clearing will bring a more profound shift to lift, lighten your space and enlighten you in letting go of barriers to fully achieve your goals. Feeling renewed and revitalised in your space.

1. Smudging (smoking)

Smudging involves the burning of dried sacred herbs often wrapped around with twine called smudge sticks. White Sage, Palo Santo, Sweetgrass and Frankincense resin are some of the sacred herbs used. 

Sage, in particular, is a natural antibacterial and has been scientifically proven to benefit health.

Traditional Australian Aboriginal smudging uses eucalyptus leaves & paperbark placed in a Coolamon (as pictured) .  

After the smudge stick is lit, the fire is blown out to embers that produce the smoke.  A dedicated clay bowl filled with sand can be used to catch any falling embers and extinguish the burning stick after the smoking.

Before you light your smudge stick, be sure to decide on a mantra that aligns with your intention.

 “I now clear away any energy that is not mine & does not serve my highest good. I invite abundance,  joy and peace. I anchor this space with love and protection. ” is an example.

 The more specific you can get, the better the results. 

Repeat this as you smudge in the centre of the space and walk around the perimeter of the spaces in your home or office.

You can purchase smudge kits or smudge sticks from the Soulavita shop. Alternatively, Perfect Potion Space Clearing essential oil blend can be used in place of smudge sticks.

2. Essential Oils

If the smell of smoke triggers coughing spasms and teary eyes, essential oils are much gentler yet just as potent alternatives. 

You can diffuse them in a vapouriser or mist your space with a space clearing spray.

 Essential oil blends that I use and have found powerful for space clearing are from the Perfect Potion’s blends:

  •        Space Clearing

  •        Positive Vibe 

  •        Sacred Temple

These have essential oils of sacred herbs like sage, frankincense, eucalyptus, rosemary used in traditional smudging as part of the blends.

These beautiful oils, candles and singing bowls are available and can be shipped to you

You could also use candles containing these essential oil blends in your rituals.

Our Bespoke Crystal-Gem scented candles are made of organic soy wax, coconut wax or a combination of soy and coconut wax as well as pure beeswax. Embedded with crystals infused with sunlight and moonlight, it is an energetically potent tool for space clearing.

These sacred candles are created and hand poured by myself in a blessing ritual.

Just as in a smudging ritual, repeat your mantra as you mist or diffuse your space with the oils.

3. Sound

Used in Sound Healing and Sound Baths, Tibetan Singing Bowls, and Ting Sha (metal bells) are powerful tools for space clearing. The resonating sounds break up stagnant energy and revitalize grounding energy.

Tap the bowl with the mallet and ring the Tingsha. Move throughout your space, letting the noise reverberate against the walls. Focus on sending the sound vibrations up toward the corners of the ceiling, the corners by the floor, in the closets and anywhere in the room where energy lurks.. 

Only buy the highest quality bowl or bell that you can afford. Better quality means better sound resonance. 

As sound tools are chosen based on your circumstances and what you want to achieve, having one that is right for you is critical. I can help you find a sound tool that matches your needs for the most benefits. Contact me to find out more.

To fully benefit from your space clearing:

  •  remove all clutter to allow fresh energy to enter

  • open the windows and doors during a space clearing so stagnant energy can leave your space

  • cover or put away all food and drinks. If these are left out, they mustn’t be consumed and need to be thrown out after your session.

Professional Space Clearing For Your Home or Office

Of course, there is more to the Space Clearing process than I have listed here. And the benefits will depend on your current situation and circumstance. You will receive a full assessment and  complete plan when I work with you.

However, I am certain the methods mentioned here will give you an idea of how much a professional Space Clearer can achieve for your space, home and workplace.  

We transform  your space into one where you can overcome your blocks and flourish with wellness and abundance.

Do you need Space Clearing on your property or properties? Please contact me to find out more.

Estelle Amelia is an Australian First Nation Elder, intuitive energy healer helping ambitious and busy professionals world wide to move from chaos to calm with sound wellness. Her wellness studio is based in Perth, Western Australia.


